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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Apr-2019Formal constraint-based compilation for noisy intermediate-scale quantum systemsMurali, Prakash; Javadi-Abhari, Ali; Chong, Frederic T; Martonosi, Margaret
Apr-2019Chemo-mechanical coupling in fine-grained soils and sedimentary rocksBourg, Ian C; Carrillo, Francisco J.; Shen, Xinyi S; Underwood, Thomas R.
Apr-2019Efficient Data Supply for Parallel Heterogeneous ArchitecturesHam, Tae J; Aragón, Juan L; Martonosi, Margaret
Apr-2019Noise-Adaptive Compiler Mappings for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum ComputersMurali, Prakash; Baker, Jonathan M; Javadi-Abhari, Ali; Chong, Frederic T; Martonosi, Margaret
Apr-2019Convolutional nets for reconstructing neural circuits from brain images acquired by serial section electron microscopyLee, Kisuk; Turner, Nicholas; Macrina, Thomas; Wu, Jingpeng; Lu, Ran; et al
Apr-2019More out of less: an excess integrated Sachs-Wolfe signal from supervoids mapped out by the Dark Energy SurveyKovacs, A; Sanchez, C; Garcia-Bellido, J; Elvin-Poole, J; Hamaus, N; et al
Apr-2019Entanglement Structure of Current-Driven Diffusive Fermion SystemsGullans, Michael J; Huse, David A
Apr-2019A Fast Poisson Solver of Second-order Accuracy for Isolated Systems in Three-dimensional Cartesian and Cylindrical CoordinatesMoon, Sanghyuk; Kim, Woong-Tae; Ostriker, Eve C
Apr-2019Instability of many-body localized systems as a phase transition in a nonstandard thermodynamic limitGopalakrishnan, Sarang; Huse, David A
30-Mar-2019Cutibacterium acnes antibiotic production shapes niche competition in the human skin microbiomeClaesen, J; Spagnolo, JB; Ramos, SF; Kurita, KL; Byrd, AL; et al
30-Mar-2019Seasonal gaps in measles vaccination coverage in Madagascar.Mensah, K; Heraud, JM; Takahashi, Saki; Winter, AK; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; et al
30-Mar-2019A Simple Method for Extracting Water Depth From Multispectral Satellite Imagery in Regions of Variable Bottom TypeGeyman, Emily C; Maloof, Adam C
29-Mar-2019Cooling arbitrary near-critical systems using hyperbolic quenchesMitra, P; Ippoliti, M; Bhatt, Ravindra N; Sondhi, SL; Agarwal, K
23-Mar-2019Typical use effectiveness of Natural Cycles: postmarket surveillance study investigating the impact of previous contraceptive choice on the risk of unintended pregnancy.Bull, Jonathan; Rowland, Simon; Lundberg, Olof; Berglund-Scherwitzl, Elina; Gemzell-Danielsson, Kristina; et al
20-Mar-2019Global Simulations of Protoplanetary Disk Outflows with Coupled Non-ideal Magnetohydrodynamics and Consistent ThermochemistryWang, Lile; Bai, Xue-Ning; Goodman, Jeremy J.
20-Mar-2019The MASSIVE Survey. XII. Connecting Stellar Populations of Early-type Galaxies to Kinematics and EnvironmentGreene, Jenny E.; Veale, Melanie; Ma, Chung-Pei; Thomas, Jens; Quenneville, Matthew E; et al
20-Mar-2019Secure Short-Packet Communications for Mission-Critical IoT ApplicationsWang, Hui-Ming; Yang, Qian; Ding, Zhiguo; Poor, H Vincent
15-Mar-2019Majorana lattices from the quantized Hall limit of a proximitized spin-orbit coupled electron gasMishmash, Ryan; Yazdani, Ali; Zaletel, Michael P.
15-Mar-2019Three-dimensional superconductors with hybrid higher-order topologyBultinck, Nick; Bernevig, Bogdan A.; Zaletel, Michael P.
14-Mar-2019The FDA’s Proposed Ban on Menthol CigarettesWailoo, Keith