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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2019Honesty, Humility, Courage, & Strength: Later Wittgenstein on the Difficulties of Philosophy and the Philosophical VirtuesCitron, Gabriel
Mar-2019Putting Religion Back into Religious EthicsGregory, Eric
2019What Hippo and Grand Rapids Have to Say to Each OtherGregory, Eric
2018'The Problem of Life': Later Wittgenstein on the Difficulty of Honest HappinessCitron, Gabriel
2018Taking Love Seriously: Elshtain’s Augustinian Voice and Modern PoliticsGregory, Eric
2017Strange Fruit: Augustine, Liberalism, and the Good SamaritanGregory, Eric
2017Politics and BeatitudeGregory, Eric
2016What is Apophaticism? Ways of Talking about an Ineffable GodCitron, Gabriel
2016The Double Love Command and the Ethics of Religious PluralismGregory, Eric
Oct-2015The Many Bibles of Joseph Smith: Textual, Prophetic, and Scholarly Authority in Early-National Bible CulturePerry, Seth
Jul-2015Dreams, Nightmares, and a Defense Against Arguments from EvilCitron, Gabriel
Jan-2015A Discussion Between Wittgenstein and Moore on Certainty (1939): from the notes of Norman MalcolmCitron, Gabriel
1-Jan-2014Sakya Paita's anti-realism as a return to the mainstreamGold, JC
2014Enfleshment and the Time of Ethics: Taylor and Illich on the Parable of the Good SamaritanGregory, Eric
2014Tradition and the Formation of the TalmudVidas, Moulie
2014What Do We Want from the Just War Tradition? New Challenges of Surveillance and the Security StateGregory, Eric
2014Contingent and Contested Preliminary Remarks on Buddhist Catalogs and Canons in Early JapanLowe, Bryan
2014The Scripture on Saving and Protecting Body and Life: An Introduction and TranslationLowe, Bryan
2014States of “State Buddhism”: History, Religion, and Politics in Late Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century ScholarshipLowe, Bryan
2014Belief in a Good and Loving God: A Case Study in the Varieties of a Religious BeliefCitron, Gabriel