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Art and Archaeology

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
20-Dec-2023Relics and rapprochement: The intricacies of cultural diplomacy in China’s first archaeological exhibition in the U.S. during the Cold War eraChan, Shing-Kwan
6-Nov-2018Introduction to Eduardo Viveiros de Castro's “The Equal and the Different”Small, Irene V
6-Nov-2018“Passion of the Same”: Cacique de Ramos and the MultidãoSmall, Irene V
28-Oct-2018The University: An Architectural Type?Baudez, Basile
14-Sep-2017Insertions into Historiographic CircuitsSmall, Irene V
2017Humboldt’s Picture TheoryDeLue, Rachael
2016Hammershøi’s Either/OrAlsdorf, Bridget
2016Judgment on Parchment: Illuminating Theater in Besançon MS 579Kitzinger, Beatrice E
2016Arthur Dove’s Diary as a Work of ArtDeLue, Rachael
2016Molyvoti, Thrace, Archaeological Project: 2013 Preliminary ReportArrington, Nathan T; Terzopoulou, Domna; Tasaklaki, Marina; Lawall, Mark L; Brellas, Demetrios J; et al
15-Sep-2015Baltic ReflectionsKaufmann, Thomas DaCosta
13-May-2015Pigment Pur and the Corpo da Côr: Post-Painterly Practice and TransmodernitySmall, Irene V
1-Jun-2014Michael Sullivan and his Study of Modern and Contemporary Chinese PaintingSilbergeld, Jerome
Dec-2013‘Hundreds of eyes’: Beyond Beholding in Riegl's ‘Jakob van Ruysdael’ (1902)Heuer, Christopher P
2013Abstraction, 1910–1925: Eight StatementsFoster, Hal; Dickerman, Leah; Bois, Yve-Alain; Chlenvova, Masha; Cox, Christoph; et al
2013Drawings of the Pantheon in the Metropolitan Museum’s Goldschmidt ScrapbookYerkes, Carolyn
17-Sep-2012Creaturely CobraFoster, Harold
Jun-2012Cronocaosda Costa Meyer, Esther
20-Mar-2012Post-CriticalFoster, Harold
Oct-2011Inscribing Defeat: The Commemorative Dynamics of the Athenian Casualty ListsArrington, Nathan T