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Journal of Public and International Affairs

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2010The Logic of E.U. Enlargement: Exporting Stability or Inheriting an EmpireJakovleski, Velibor
2010Cooperative Migration Policy, Uncooperative Reality: The E.U.'s Impossible "Management" of West African MigrationRich, Sarah M.
2010Learning Not to Kick with our Achilles Heel: The Case against a Counterinsurgency-Focused MilitaryLynn, Seth McCormick
2010Active Space Debris Removal: Needs, Implications, and Recommendations for Today's Geopolitical EnvironmentAnsdell, Megan
2010Letter from the EditorsKim, Hannah; MacAulay, Christine
2010Fulfilling the Prague Promise: A Framework for Nuclear SecurityMorse, Julia C
2010Talking with Terrorists: Terrorist Groups and the Challenge of LegitimizationGross, Joshua
2010Do Conditional Cash Transfers Increase Poor Households' Coping Capabilities? Accessing the Effect of Oportunidades in Poor Urban Settings in Mexico.Vinay, Claudia
2009Letter from the EditorsHenke, Marina; Cakaj, Ledio
2009The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism by Andrew J. BacevichMacDonald, Geoffrey P.
2009State-Building from the Outside-In: UNMIK and Its ParadoxLemay-Hebert, Nicolas
2009Between Policy and Justice: The Brazilian National Policy on PharmaceuticalsPeixoto Socal, Mariana
2009China in Africa edited by Arthur WaldronErickson, Dane
2009Moving Beyond Coercive Diplomacy: A New Policy Approach Toward Iran’s Nuclear AmbitionsBoylan, Brandon M.
2009Russia’s Public Diplomacy Effort: What the Kremlin is Doing and Why It’s Not WorkingAvgerinos, Katherine P.
2009(Re) Covering the Past, Remembering the Trauma: The Politics of Commemoration at Sites of AtrocityMoore, Lisa M.
2009Justice Through Domestic Violence Legislation: Improving the Implementation of Turkey’s Law 4320 on the Protection of the FamilyRodriguez, Barbara L.
2009Making Choices: Prospects for a Canada-EU Free Trade AgreementBlomeley, Joseph
2009Division by Addition Why a Three-State Solution is Better Than TwoClarke, Colin P.
2009From Bosnia to Baghdad the Case for Regulating Private Military and Security CompaniesNimkar, Ruta