Journal of Public and International Affairs
Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
2010 | The Logic of E.U. Enlargement: Exporting Stability or Inheriting an Empire | Jakovleski, Velibor |
2010 | Cooperative Migration Policy, Uncooperative Reality: The E.U.'s Impossible "Management" of West African Migration | Rich, Sarah M. |
2010 | Learning Not to Kick with our Achilles Heel: The Case against a Counterinsurgency-Focused Military | Lynn, Seth McCormick |
2010 | Active Space Debris Removal: Needs, Implications, and Recommendations for Today's Geopolitical Environment | Ansdell, Megan |
2010 | Letter from the Editors | Kim, Hannah; MacAulay, Christine |
2010 | Fulfilling the Prague Promise: A Framework for Nuclear Security | Morse, Julia C |
2010 | Talking with Terrorists: Terrorist Groups and the Challenge of Legitimization | Gross, Joshua |
2010 | Do Conditional Cash Transfers Increase Poor Households' Coping Capabilities? Accessing the Effect of Oportunidades in Poor Urban Settings in Mexico. | Vinay, Claudia |
2009 | Letter from the Editors | Henke, Marina; Cakaj, Ledio |
2009 | The Limits of Power: The End of American Exceptionalism by Andrew J. Bacevich | MacDonald, Geoffrey P. |
2009 | State-Building from the Outside-In: UNMIK and Its Paradox | Lemay-Hebert, Nicolas |
2009 | Between Policy and Justice: The Brazilian National Policy on Pharmaceuticals | Peixoto Socal, Mariana |
2009 | China in Africa edited by Arthur Waldron | Erickson, Dane |
2009 | Moving Beyond Coercive Diplomacy: A New Policy Approach Toward Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions | Boylan, Brandon M. |
2009 | Russia’s Public Diplomacy Effort: What the Kremlin is Doing and Why It’s Not Working | Avgerinos, Katherine P. |
2009 | (Re) Covering the Past, Remembering the Trauma: The Politics of Commemoration at Sites of Atrocity | Moore, Lisa M. |
2009 | Justice Through Domestic Violence Legislation: Improving the Implementation of Turkey’s Law 4320 on the Protection of the Family | Rodriguez, Barbara L. |
2009 | Making Choices: Prospects for a Canada-EU Free Trade Agreement | Blomeley, Joseph |
2009 | Division by Addition Why a Three-State Solution is Better Than Two | Clarke, Colin P. |
2009 | From Bosnia to Baghdad the Case for Regulating Private Military and Security Companies | Nimkar, Ruta |