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Molecular Biology

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
6-Oct-2020Metformin rescues Parkinson's disease phenotypes caused by hyperactive mitochondriaMor, Danielle E; Sohrabi, Salman; Kaletsky, Rachel; Keyes, William; Tartici, Alp; et al
2-Oct-2020PQM-1 controls hypoxic survival via regulation of lipid metabolismHeimbucher, Thomas; Hog, Julian; Gupta, Piyush; Murphy, Coleen T
Oct-2020Unraveling the Mechanism of a LOV Domain Optogenetic Sensor: A Glutamine Lever Induces Unfolding of the Jα HelixIuliano, James N; Collado, Jinnette Tolentino; Gil, Agnieszka A; Ravindran, Pavithran T; Lukacs, Andras; et al
Oct-2020ASB13 inhibits breast cancer metastasis through promoting SNAI2 degradation and relieving its transcriptional repression of YAPFan, Huijuan; Wang, Xuxiang; Li, Wenyang; Shen, Minhong; Wei, Yong; et al
Oct-2020Deubiquitinase USP20 promotes breast cancer metastasis by stabilizing SNAI2Li, Wenyang; Shen, Minhong; Jiang, Yi-Zhou; Zhang, Ruina; Zheng, Hanqiu; et al
25-Sep-2020Sequence dependence of biomolecular phase separationWeiner, Benjamin; Meir, Yigal; Wingreen, Ned
14-Sep-2020Cytotoxic alkyl-quinolones mediate surface-induced virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosaVrla, Geoffrey D; Esposito, Mark; Zhang, Chen; Kang, Yibin; Seyedsayamdost, Mohammad R; et al
11-Sep-2020Nutrient levels and trade-offs control diversity in a serial dilution ecosystemErez, Amir; Lopez, Jaime G; Weiner, Benjamin G; Meir, Yigal; Wingreen, Ned S
Sep-2020Optogenetic Rescue of a Patterning MutantJohnson, Heath E; Djabrayan, Nareg JV; Shvartsman, Stanislav Y; Toettcher, Jared E
28-Aug-2020Modeling microbial metabolic trade-offs in a chemostatLi, Zhiyuan; Liu, Bo; Li, Sophia Hsin-Jung; King, Christopher G; Gitai, Zemer; et al
21-Aug-2020Template-based mapping of dynamic motifs in tissue morphogenesisStern, Tomer; Shvartsman, Stanislav Y; Wieschaus, Eric F
17-Aug-2020The Sec1/Munc18 protein Vps45 holds the Qa-SNARE Tlg2 in an open conformationEisemann, Travis J; Allen, Frederick; Lau, Kelly; Shimamura, Gregory R; Jeffrey, Philip D; et al
13-Aug-2020Development of light-responsive protein binding in the monobody non-immunoglobulin scaffoldCarrasco-López, César; Zhao, Evan M; Gil, Agnieszka A; Alam, Nathan; Toettcher, Jared E; et al
13-Aug-2020Optogenetic control of protein binding using light-switchable nanobodiesGil, Agnieszka A; Carrasco-López, César; Zhu, Liyuan; Zhao, Evan M; Ravindran, Pavithran T; et al
13-Aug-2020Engineering combinatorial and dynamic decoders using synthetic immediate-early genesRavindran, Pavithran T; Wilson, Maxwell Z; Jena, Siddhartha G; Toettcher, Jared E
Aug-2020The round trip model for severe herpes zoster caused by live attenuated varicella vaccine virusGrose, Charles; Enquist, Lynn W
30-Jul-2020Identification of relevant genetic alterations in cancer using topological data analysisRabadán, Raúl; Mohamedi, Yamina; Rubin, Udi; Chu, Tim; Alghalith, Adam N; et al
28-Jul-2020Mitochondria and Peroxisome Remodeling across Cytomegalovirus Infection Time Viewed through the Lens of Inter-ViSTA.Federspiel, Joel D; Cook, Katelyn C; Kennedy, Michelle A; Venkatesh, Samvida S; Otter, Clayton J; et al
28-Jul-2020The Vibrio cholerae Quorum-Sensing Protein VqmA Integrates Cell Density, Environmental, and Host-Derived Cues into the Control of VirulenceMashruwala, Ameya A; Bassler, Bonnie L
12-Jul-2020A multilayered scaffold for regeneration of smooth muscle and connective tissue layersGarrison, Carly M; Singh‐Varma, Anya; Pastino, Alexandra K; Steele, Joseph AM; Kohn, Joachim; et al