Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
25-Mar-2016 | Addressing spin transitions on Bi 209 donors in silicon using circularly polarized microwaves | Yasukawa, T; Sigillito, AJ; Rose, BC; Tyryshkin, AM; Lyon, Stephen A |
27-May-2015 | Anisotropic stark effect and electric-field noise suppression for phosphorus donor qubits in silicon | Sigillito, AJ; Tyryshkin, AM; Lyon, Stephen A |
10-Jul-2017 | Coherent Rabi dynamics of a superradiant spin ensemble in a microwave cavity | Rose, BC; Tyryshkin, AM; Riemann, H; Abrosimov, NV; Becker, P; et al |
4-Dec-2012 | Decoherence mechanisms of 209Bi donor electron spins in isotopically pure 28Si | Wolfowicz, G; Simmons, S; Tyryshkin, AM; George, RE; Riemann, H; et al |
14-Feb-2012 | Effect of pulse error accumulation on dynamical decoupling of the electron spins of phosphorus donors in silicon | Wang, Z-H; Zhang, W; Tyryshkin, AM; Lyon, Stephen A; Ager, JW; et al |
24-Apr-2012 | Electrical activation and electron spin resonance measurements of implanted bismuth in isotopically enriched silicon-28 | Weis, CD; Lo, CC; Lang, V; Tyryshkin, AM; George, RE; et al |
4-Dec-2011 | Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high-purity silicon | Tyryshkin, AM; Tojo, S; Morton, JJL; Riemann, H; Abrosimov, NV; et al |
7-Dec-2015 | Electron Spin Coherence of Shallow Donors in Natural and Isotopically Enriched Germanium | Sigillito, AJ; Jock, RM; Tyryshkin, AM; Beeman, JW; Haller, EE; et al |
9-Jun-2015 | ESR measurements of phosphorus dimers in isotopically enriched Si 28 silicon | Shankar, S; Tyryshkin, AM; Lyon, Stephen A |
Jun-2014 | Fast, low-power manipulation of spin ensembles in superconducting microresonators | Sigillito, AJ; Malissa, H; Tyryshkin, AM; Riemann, H; Abrosimov, NV; et al |
22-Sep-2014 | Host isotope mass effects on the hyperfine interaction of group-V donors in silicon | Sekiguchi, T; Tyryshkin, AM; Tojo, S; Abe, E; Mori, R; et al |
16-Sep-2016 | Large Stark tuning of donor electron spin qubits in germanium | Sigillito, AJ; Tyryshkin, AM; Beeman, JW; Haller, EE; Itoh, KM; et al |
17-Jul-2017 | Multi-frequency spin manipulation using rapidly tunable superconducting coplanar waveguide microresonators | Asfaw, AT; Sigillito, AJ; Tyryshkin, AM; Schenkel, T; Lyon, Stephen A |
4-Apr-2016 | Nuclear spin decoherence of neutral P 31 donors in silicon: Effect of environmental Si 29 nuclei | Petersen, ES; Tyryshkin, AM; Morton, JJL; Abe, E; Tojo, S; et al |
9-Jan-2012 | Probing band-tail states in silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor heterostructures with electron spin resonance | Jock, RM; Shankar, S; Tyryshkin, AM; He, J; Eng, K; et al |
2017 | Spin coherence and14N ESEEM effects of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond with X-band pulsed ESR | Rose, BC; Weis, CD; Tyryshkin, AM; Schenkel, T; Lyon, Stephen A |
7-Oct-2015 | Spin relaxation and donor-acceptor recombination of Se+ in 28-silicon | Lo Nardo, R; Wolfowicz, G; Simmons, S; Tyryshkin, AM; Riemann, H; et al |
12-May-2014 | Stark shift and field ionization of arsenic donors in 28Si- silicon-on-insulator structures | Lo, CC; Simmons, S; Lo Nardo, R; Weis, CD; Tyryshkin, AM; et al |
20-Dec-2018 | Strongly anisotropic spin relaxation in the neutral silicon vacancy center in diamond | Rose, BC; Thiering, G; Tyryshkin, AM; Edmonds, AM; Markham, ML; et al |
Feb-2013 | Superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators for low temperature pulsed electron spin resonance spectroscopy | Malissa, H; Schuster, DI; Tyryshkin, AM; Houck, Andrew A; Lyon, Stephen A |