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Anisotropic stark effect and electric-field noise suppression for phosphorus donor qubits in silicon

Author(s): Sigillito, AJ; Tyryshkin, AM; Lyon, Stephen A

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Abstract: We report the use of novel, capacitively terminated coplanar waveguide resonators to measure the quadratic Stark shift of phosphorus donor qubits in Si. We confirm that valley repopulation leads to an anisotropic spin-orbit Stark shift depending on electric and magnetic field orientations relative to the Si crystal. By measuring the linear Stark effect, we estimate the effective electric field due to strain in our samples. We show that in the presence of this strain, electric-field sources of decoherence can be non-negligible. Using our measured values for the Stark shift, we predict magnetic fields for which the spin-orbit Stark effect cancels the hyperfine Stark effect, suppressing decoherence from electric-field noise. We discuss the limitations of these noise-suppression points due to random distributions of strain and propose a method for overcoming them.
Publication Date: 27-May-2015
Electronic Publication Date: 8-Mar-2015
Citation: Sigillito, AJ, Tyryshkin, AM, Lyon, SA. (2015). Anisotropic stark effect and electric-field noise suppression for phosphorus donor qubits in silicon. Physical Review Letters, 114 (10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.217601
DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.217601
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review Letters
Version: Author's manuscript

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