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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
15-Feb-2018High-fidelity quantum gates in Si/SiGe double quantum dotsRuss, Maximilian; Zajac, DM; Sigillito, AJ; Borjans, F; Taylor, JM; et al
14-Feb-2018Inclusive Search for a Highly Boosted Higgs Boson Decaying to a Bottom Quark-Antiquark PairSirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Ambrogi, F; Asilar, E; et al
7-Feb-2018Visualizing heavy fermion confinement and Pauli-limited superconductivity in layered CeCoIn5Gyenis, Andras; Feldman, Benjamin E.; Randeria, Mallika T.; Peterson, Gabriel A.; Bauer, Eric D.; et al
6-Feb-2018Constraints on the double-parton scattering cross section from same-sign W boson pair production in proton-proton collisions at √s = 8 TeVSirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Ambrogi, F; Asilar, E; et al
Feb-2018Decoding a three-dimensional conformal manifoldBaggio, Marco; Bobev, Nikolay; Chester, Shai M; Lauria, Edoardo; Pufu, Silviu S
29-Jan-2018Spectra of Operators in Large N Tensor ModelsBulycheva, Ksenia; Klebanov, Igor R; Milekhin, Alexey; Tarnopolsky, Grigory
22-Jan-2018Search for low mass vector resonances decaying into quark-antiquark pairs in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeVSirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Ambrogi, F; Asilar, E; et al
22-Jan-2018Cancer dormancy and criticality from a game theory perspectiveWu, Amy; Liao, David; Kirilin, Vlamimir; Lin, Ke-Chih; Torga, Gonzalo; et al
19-Jan-2018He-3-Xe-129 Comagnetometery using Rb-87 Detection and DecouplingLimes, ME; Sheng, D; Romalis, Michael V
19-Jan-2018The ABC of Higher-Spin AdS/CFTGiombi, Simone; Klebanov, Igor; Tan, Zhong
16-Jan-2018Probing electron-phonon interactions in the charge-photon dynamics of cavity-coupled double quantum dotsGullans, MJ; Taylor, JM; Petta, Jason R
15-Jan-2018Gravitational wave spectroscopy of binary neutron star merger remnants with mode stackingYang, Huan; Paschalidis, Vasileios; Yagi, Kent; Lehner, Luis; Pretorius, Frans; et al
10-Jan-2018Measurements of t(t)over-bar sections in association with b jets and inclusive jets and their ratio using dilepton final states in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeVSirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; Bergauer, T; et al
10-Jan-2018Azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles with transverse momentum up to 100 GeV/c in PbPb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeVSirunyan, AM; Tumasyan, A; Adam, W; Asilar, E; Bergauer, T; et al
1-Jan-2018Building blocks of topological quantum chemistry: Elementary band representationsCano, Jennifer; Bradlyn, Barry; Wang, Zhijun; Elcoro, L.; Vergniory, MG; et al
1-Jan-2018Band connectivity for topological quantum chemistry: Band structures as a graph theory problemBradlyn, Barry; Elcoro, L.; Vergniory, M.G.; Cano, Jennifer; Wang, Zhijun; et al
Jan-2018Boot strapping 3D fermions with global symmetriesIliesiu, Luca; Kos, Filip; Poland, David; Pufu, Silviu S; Simmons-Duffin, David
Jan-2018On-Chip Quantum-Dot Light Source for Quantum-Device ReadoutLiu, Y-Y; Stehlik, J; Mi, X; Hartke, TR; Gullans, MJ; et al
Jan-2018The Monte Carlo simulation of the Borexino detectorAgostini, M; Altenmueller, K; Appel, S; Atroshchenko, V; Bagdasarian, Z; et al
Jan-2018Development of a Novel Single-Channel, 24 cm(2), SiPM-Based, Cryogenic PhotodetectorD Incecco, Marco; Galbiati, Cristiano; Giovanetti, Graham K; Korga, George; Li, Xinran; et al