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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
23-Oct-2017Democracy Before, In, and After SchumpeterPettit, Philip N.
4-Jun-2019"i'm Not the President of Black America": Rhetorical versus Policy RepresentationHaines, Pavielle E.; Mendelberg, Tali; Butler, Bennett
Dec-2011The slave trade and the origins of Mistrust in AfricaNunn, Nathan; Wantchekon, Leonard
2013Identification and sensitivity analysis for multiple causal mechanisms: Revisiting evidence from framing experimentsImai, Kosuke; Yamamoto, Teppei
1-Nov-2012Experimental designs for identifying causal mechanismsImai, Kosuke; Tingley, Dustin; Yamamoto, Teppei
3-May-2017Political realism meets civic republicanismPettit, Philip N.
Feb-2019Dispute resolution institutions and strategic militarizationMeirowitz, Adam; Morelli, Massimo; Ramsay, Kristopher W.; Squintani, Francesco
3-Dec-2018Can information improve rural governance and service delivery?Kosec, Katrina; Wantchekon, Leonard
22-Dec-2014Does corruption information inspire the fight or quash the hope? A field experiment in Mexico on voter turnout, choice, and party identificationChong, Alberto; De La O, Ana L.; Karlan, Dean; Wantchekon, Leonard
14-Aug-2017A man for all seasons: Historical memory and John MarshallFrost, Daniel; Whittington, Keith E