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Political realism meets civic republicanism

Author(s): Pettit, Philip N.

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Abstract: © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The paper offers five desiderata on a realist normative theory of politics: that it should avoid moralism, deontologism, transcendentalism, utopianism, and vanguardism. These desiderata argue for a theory that begins from values rooted in a people’s experience; that avoids prescribing a collective deontological constraint; that makes the comparison of imperfect regimes possible; that takes feasibility and sustainability into account; and that makes room for the claims of democracy. The paper argues, in the course of exploring the desiderata, that a neo-republican philosophy of government does pretty well in satisfying them.
Publication Date: 3-May-2017
Citation: Pettit, P. (2017). Political realism meets civic republicanism. Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy, 20 (3), 320 - 333. doi:10.1080/13698230.2017.1293912
DOI: doi:10.1080/13698230.2017.1293912
ISSN: 1369-8230
EISSN: 1743-8772
Pages: 1 - 14
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy
Version: Author's manuscript

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