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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
13-Jun-2012Amplified Loci on Chromosomes 8 and 17 Predict Early Relapse in ER-Positive Breast CancersBilal, Erhan; Vassallo, Kristen; Toppmeyer, Deborah; Barnard, Nicola; Rye, Inga H, et al
8-Nov-2017A neoantigen fitness model predicts tumour response to checkpoint blockade immunotherapyŁuksza, Marta; Riaz, Nadeem; Makarov, Vladimir; Balachandran, Vinod P.; Hellmann, Matthew D., et al
Jan-2014Dipeptide analysis of p53 mutations and evolution of p53 family proteinsHuang, Qiang; Yu, Long; Levine, Arnold J.; Nussinov, Ruth; Ma, Buyong
30-May-2019The metabolites NADP+ and NADPH are the targets of the circadian protein Nocturnin (Curled).Estrella, Michael A; Du, Jin; Chen, Li; Rath, Sneha; Prangley, Eliza, et al
Jul-2014High-throughput Image Analysis of Tumor Spheroids: A User-friendly Software Application to Measure the Size of Spheroids Automatically and AccuratelyChen, Wenjin; Wong, Chung; Vosburgh, Evan; Levine, Arnold J.; Foran, David J., et al
9-Aug-2012The human adenovirus type 5 E1B 55 kDa protein obstructs inhibition of viral replication by type I interferon in normal human cells.Chahal, Jasdave S; Qi, Ji; Flint, SJ
12-Jul-2012The role of capsid maturation on adenovirus priming for sequential uncoating.Pérez-Berná, Ana J; Ortega-Esteban, Alvaro; Menéndez-Conejero, Rosa; Winkler, Dennis C; Menéndez, Margarita, et al
11-Sep-2013Dynein-Dependent Transport of nanos RNA in Drosophila Sensory Neurons Requires Rumpelstiltskin and the Germ Plasm Organizer OskarXu, X; Brechbiel, JL; Gavis, ER
22-Nov-2018Distinct cis-acting elements mediate targeting and clustering of Drosophila polar granule mRNAs.Eagle, Whitby VI; Yeboah-Kordieh, Daniel K; Niepielko, Matthew G; Gavis, Elizabeth R
2-Mar-2013Self-catalytic DNA Depurination Underlies Human β-Globin Gene Mutations at Codon 6 That Cause Anemias and ThalassemiasAlvarez-Dominguez, Juan R; Amosova, Olga; Fresco, Jacques R