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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Feb-2018Numerical Simulations of Multiphase Winds and Fountains from Star-forming Galactic Disks. I. Solar Neighborhood TIGRESS ModelKim, Chang-Goo; Ostriker, Eve C
20-Dec-2017Modeling UV Radiation Feedback from Massive Stars: I. Implementation of Adaptive Ray-tracing Method and TestsKim, Jeong-Gyu; Kim, Woong-Tae; Ostriker, Eve C; Skinner, M Aaron
1-Nov-2017The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: Variations in the Molecular Gas Depletion Time in Local GalaxiesUtomo, Dyas; Bolatto, Alberto D; Wong, Tony; Ostriker, Eve C; Blitz, Leo, et al
20-Feb-2018Galactic Disk Winds Driven by Cosmic Ray PressureMao, Alwin; Ostriker, Eve C
17-Jun-2013The maximum energy of accelerated particles in relativistic collisionless shocksSironi, L; Spitkovsky, Anatoly; Arons, J
14-Aug-2013A flux rope network and particle acceleration in three-dimensional relativistic magnetic reconnectionKagan, D; Milosavljević, M; Spitkovsky, Anatoly
14-May-2013Visualizing electromagnetic fields in laser-produced counter-streaming plasma experiments for collisionless shock laboratory astrophysicsKugland, NL; Ross, JS; Chang, PY; Drake, RP; Fiksel, G, et al
6-Dec-2013Physical conditions in the reconnection layer in pulsar magnetospheresUzdensky, DA; Spitkovsky, Anatoly
19-Aug-2013Time-dependent 3D magnetohydrodynamic pulsar magnetospheres: Oblique rotatorsTchekhovskoy, A; Spitkovsky, Anatoly; Li, JG
18-Apr-2012Heliospheric and astrophysical shocks: Common features and differencesGedalin, M; Spitkovsky, Anatoly