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Super-Activation as a Unique Feature of Secure Communication in Malicious Environments

Author(s): Schaefer, Rafael; Boche, Holger; Poor, H

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Abstract: The wiretap channel models secure communication between two users in the presence of an eavesdropper who must be kept ignorant of transmitted messages. This communication scenario is studied for arbitrarily varying channels (AVCs), in which the legitimate users know only that the true channel realization comes from a pre-specified uncertainty set and that it varies from channel use to channel use in an arbitrary and unknown manner. This concept not only captures the case of channel uncertainty, but also models scenarios in which malevolent adversaries influence or jam the transmission of the legitimate users. For secure communication over orthogonal arbitrarily varying wiretap channels (AVWCs) it has been shown that the phenomenon of super-activation occurs; that is, there are orthogonal AVWCs, each having zero secrecy capacity, which allow for transmission with positive rate if they are used together. It is shown that for such orthogonal AVWCs super-activation is generic in the sense that whenever super-activation is possible, it is possible for all AVWCs in a certain neighborhood as well. As a consequence, a super-activated AVWC is robust and continuous in the uncertainty set, although a single AVWC might not be. Moreover, it is shown that the question of super-activation and the continuity of the secrecy capacity solely depends on the legitimate link. Accordingly, the single-user AVC is subsequently studied and it is shown that in this case, super-activation for non-secure message transmission is not possible making it a unique feature of secure communication over AVWCs. However, the capacity for message transmission of the single-user AVC is shown to be super-additive including a complete characterization. Such knowledge is important for medium access control and in particular resource allocation as it determines the overall performance of a system.
Electronic Publication Date: 12-May-2016
Citation: Schaefer, Rafael, Boche, Holger, Poor, H. (Super-Activation as a Unique Feature of Secure Communication in Malicious Environments. Information, 7 (2), 24 - 24. doi:10.3390/info7020024
DOI: doi:10.3390/info7020024
EISSN: 2078-2489
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Information
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.

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