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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2013Moore’s Notes on Wittgenstein’s Lectures, Cambridge 1930-1933:Text, Context, and ContentCitron, Gabriel; Stern, David; Rogers, Brian
Jul-2012Review: The Jewish Roots of the Modern RepublicGregory, Eric
Jul-2012Kant, Real Possibility, and the Threat of SpinozaChignell, Andrew
2012The Discipline of Writing Scribes and Purity in Eighth-Century JapanLowe, Bryan
2012Simple Objects of Comparison for Complex Grammars: an Alternative Strand in Wittgenstein’s Later Remarks on ReligionCitron, Gabriel
2011Texts and Textures of Early Japanese Buddhism: Female Patrons, Lay Scribes, and Buddhist Scripture in Eighth-Century JapanLowe, Bryan
2010Augustinians and the New LiberalismGregory, Eric
2010The Spirit and the Letter: Protestant Thomism and Nigel Biggar’s ‘Karl Barth’s Ethics RevisitedGregory, Eric
2009Kant, Modality, and the Most Real BeingChignell, Andrew
Jul-2007Belief in KantChignell, Andrew
Jun-2007Before the Original Position: The Neo-Orthodox Theology of the Young John RawlsGregory, Eric
Mar-2007Kant's Concepts of JustificationChignell, Andrew
2007Black Slaves in Mamlūk Narratives: Representations of TransgressionMarmon, Shaun
2005Leo Strauss's Disenchantment with Secular SocietyBatnitzky, Leora
1991An Analysis of the Cress Theory of Color ConfrontationGlaude, Eddie S
-Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Conversations with Rush Rhees (1939-50): from the notes of Rush RheesCitron, Gabriel