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Verifying Correct Microarchitectural Enforcement of Memory Consistency Models

Author(s): Lustig, D; Pellauer, M; Martonosi, Margaret

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Abstract: Memory consistency models define the rules and guarantees about the ordering and visibility of memory references on multithreaded CPUs and systems on chip. PipeCheck offers a methodology and automated tool for verifying that a particular microarchitecture correctly implements the consistency model required by its architectural specification.
Publication Date: 2015
Citation: Lustig, D, Pellauer, M, Martonosi, M. (2015). Verifying Correct Microarchitectural Enforcement of Memory Consistency Models. IEEE Micro, 35 (72 - 82. doi:10.1109/MM.2015.47
DOI: doi:10.1109/MM.2015.47
Pages: 72 - 82
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: IEEE Micro
Version: Author's manuscript

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