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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
17-Feb-2022The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Modeling bulk atmospheric motionMorris, Thomas W; Bustos, Ricardo; Calabrese, Erminia; Choi, Steve K; Duivenvoorden, Adriaan J, et al
23-Sep-2021Atacama Cosmology Telescope measurements of a large sample of candidates from the Massive and Distant Clusters of WISE SurveyOrlowski-Scherer, John; Di Mascolo, Luca; Bhandarkar, Tanay; Manduca, Alex; Mroczkowski, Tony, et al
30-Jun-2022Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Constraints on prerecombination early dark energyHill, J Colin; Calabrese, Erminia; Aiola, Simone; Battaglia, Nicholas; Bolliet, Boris, et al
26-May-2022The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: measurement and analysis of 1D beams for DR4Lungu, Marius; Storer, Emilie R; Hasselfield, Matthew; Duivenvoorden, Adriaan J; Calabrese, Erminia, et al
25-Feb-2022Superfluid Weight Bounds from Symmetry and Quantum Geometry in Flat BandsHerzog-Arbeitman, Jonah; Peri, Valerio; Schindler, Frank; Huber, Sebastian D; Bernevig, B Andrei
8-Oct-2022Simons Observatory Focal-Plane Module: In-lab Testing and Characterization ProgramWang, Yuhan; Zheng, Kaiwen; Atkins, Zachary; Austermann, Jason; Bhandarkar, Tanay, et al
8-Jul-2014Quantifying selection in immune receptor repertoiresElhanati, Yuval; Murugan, Anand; Callan Jr, Curtis G; Mora, Thierry; Walczak, Aleksandra M
1-Sep-2019OLGA: fast computation of generation probabilities of B- and T-cell receptor amino acid sequences and motifsSethna, Zachary; Elhanati, Yuval; Callan Jr, Curtis G; Walczak, Aleksandra M; Mora, Thierry
19-Mar-2018Anomalous Hall effect in ZrTe5Liang, Tian; Lin, Jingjing; Gibson, Quinn; Kushwaha, Satya; Liu, Minhao, et al
10-Apr-2019Time-ordered data simulation and map-making for the PIXIE Fourier transform spectrometerNæss, SK; Dunkley, J; Kogut, A; Fixsen, DJ