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Superfluid Weight Bounds from Symmetry and Quantum Geometry in Flat Bands

Author(s): Herzog-Arbeitman, Jonah; Peri, Valerio; Schindler, Frank; Huber, Sebastian D; Bernevig, B Andrei

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Abstract: Flat-band superconductivity has theoretically demonstrated the importance of band topology to correlated phases. In two dimensions, the superfluid weight, which determines the critical temperature through the Berezinksii-Kosterlitz-Thouless criteria, is bounded by the Fubini-Study metric at zero temperature. We show this bound is nonzero within flat bands whose Wannier centers are obstructed from the atoms—even when they have identically zero Berry curvature. Next, we derive general lower bounds for the superfluid weight in terms of momentum space irreps in all 2D space groups, extending the reach of topological quantum chemistry to superconducting states. We find that the bounds can be naturally expressed using the formalism of real space invariants (RSIs) that highlight the separation between electronic and atomic degrees of freedom. Finally, using exact Monte Carlo simulations on a model with perfectly flat bands and strictly local obstructed Wannier functions, we find that an attractive Hubbard interaction results in superconductivity as predicted by the RSI bound beyond mean field. Hence, obstructed bands are distinguished from trivial bands in the presence of interactions by the nonzero lower bound imposed on their superfluid weight.
Publication Date: 25-Feb-2022
Electronic Publication Date: 25-Feb-2022
Citation: Herzog-Arbeitman, Jonah, Peri, Valerio, Schindler, Frank, Huber, Sebastian D, Bernevig, B Andrei. (Superfluid Weight Bounds from Symmetry and Quantum Geometry in Flat Bands. Physical Review Letters, 128 (8), 10.1103/physrevlett.128.087002
DOI: doi:10.1103/physrevlett.128.087002
ISSN: 0031-9007
EISSN: 1079-7114
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review Letters
Version: Author's manuscript

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