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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2019Statistical tests for detecting variance effects in quantitative trait studiesDumitrascu, Bianca; Darnell, Gregory; Ayroles, Julien; Engelhardt, Barbara E
2018Learning topic models -- provably and efficientlyArora, Sanjeev; Ge, Rong; Halpern, Yoni; Mimno, David; Moitra, Ankur, et al
Aug-2015Style compatibility for 3D furniture modelsLiu, Tianqiang; Hertzmann, Aaron; Li, Wilmot; Funkhouser, Thomas
2020An Empirical Study of Wireless Carrier Authentication for SIM SwapsLee, Kevin; Kaiser, Benjamin; Mayer, Jonathan; Narayanan, Arvind
1-Jan-2013Control of McKean-Vlasov dynamics versus mean field gamesCarmona, Rene; Delarue, F; Lachapelle, A
Mar-2012Vast Volatility Matrix Estimation Using High-Frequency Data for Portfolio SelectionFan, Jianqing; Li, Yingying; Yu, Ke
Sep-2012Estimating False Discovery Proportion Under Arbitrary Covariance DependenceFan, Jianqing; Han, Xu; Gu, Weijie
15-Aug-2012Fibronectin and stem cell differentiation - lessons from chondrogenesisSingh, P; Schwarzbauer, Jean E
21-May-2019The Synthetic Phenotype of ΔbamB ΔbamE Double Mutants Results from a Lethal Jamming of the Bam Complex by the Lipoprotein RcsFHart, Elizabeth M; Gupta, Meera; Wühr, Martin; Silhavy, Thomas J
Jun-2013Multiscale adaptive smoothing models for the hemodynamic response function in fMRIWang, Jiaping; Zhu, Hongtu; Fan, Jianqing; Giovanello, Kelly; Lin, Weili