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Composite Fermions with Tunable Fermi Contour Anisotropy

Author(s): Kamburov, D; Liu, Yang; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW; et al

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Abstract: The composite fermion formalism elegantly describes some of the most fascinating behaviors of interacting two-dimensional carriers at low temperatures and in strong perpendicular magnetic fields. In this framework, carriers minimize their energy by attaching two flux quanta and forming new quasiparticles, the so-called composite fermions. Thanks to the flux attachment, when a Landau level is half-filled, the composite fermions feel a vanishing effective magnetic field and possess a Fermi surface with a well-defined Fermi contour. Our measurements in a high-quality two-dimensional hole system confined to a GaAs quantum well demonstrate that a parallel magnetic field can significantly distort the hole-flux composite fermion Fermi contour.
Publication Date: May-2013
Electronic Publication Date: 13-May-2013
Citation: Kamburov, D, Liu, Yang, Shayegan, M, Pfeiffer, LN, West, KW, Baldwin, KW. (2013). Composite Fermions with Tunable Fermi Contour Anisotropy. Physical Review Letters, 110 (20), 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.206801
DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.206801
ISSN: 0031-9007
EISSN: 1079-7114
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review Letters
Version: Author's manuscript

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