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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2014Z-scan and optical limiting properties of Hibiscus Sabdariffa dyeDiallo, A; Zongo, S; Mthunzi, P; Rehman, S; Alqaradawi, SY, et al
-Confinement size determines the architecture of Ran-induced microtubule networksGai, Ya; Cook, Brian; Setru, Sagar; Stone, Howard A; Petry, Sabine
1-Jan-2015Comparison of techniques for binaural navigation of higher-order ambisonic soundfieldsTylka, JG; Choueiri, Edgar Y
1-Jan-2016Metrics for constant directivitySridhar, R; Tylka, JG; Choueiri, Eedgar Y
Dec-2013Model reductions with special CSP dataLam, Sau H
Oct-2017Overview of NSTX Upgrade initial results and modelling highlightsMenard, JE; Allain, JP; Battaglia, DJ; Bedoya, F; Bell, RE, et al
May-2017Simultaneous feedback control of plasma rotation and stored energy on NSTX-U using neoclassical toroidal viscosity and neutral beam injectionGoumiri, IR; Rowley, CW; Sabbagh, SA; Gates, DA; Boyer, MD, et al
1-Jun-2017Controlling marginally detached divertor plasmasEldon, D; Kolemen, Egemen; Barton, JL; Briesemeister, AR; Humphreys, DA, et al
1-Dec-2016Developing and validating advanced divertor solutions on DIII-D for next-step fusion devicesGuo, HY; Hill, DN; Leonard, AW; Allen, SL; Stangeby, PC, et al
31-May-2016Development of robust and multi-mode control of tearing in DIII-DWelander, AS; La Haye, RJ; Humphreys, DA; Kolemen, Egemen; Volpe, F