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Honesty, Humility, Courage, & Strength: Later Wittgenstein on the Difficulties of Philosophy and the Philosophical Virtues

Author(s): Citron, Gabriel

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Abstract: What qualities do we need in order to be good philosophers? Wittgenstein insists that virtues of character – such as honesty, humility, courage, and strength – are more important for our philosophizing than the relevant intellectual talents and skills. These virtues are essential because doing good philosophy demands both knowing and overcoming the deep-seated desires and inclinations which lead us astray in our thinking, and achieving such self-knowledge and self-overcoming demands all of these virtues working in concert. In this paper I draw together many of Wittgenstein’s seemingly offhanded remarks on these issues in order to reconstruct his understanding of philosophy’s ‘difficulties of the will’ and the virtues needed to overcome them.
Publication Date: Jul-2019
Citation: Citron, Gabriel. "Honesty, humility, courage, & strength: Later Wittgenstein on the difficulties of philosophy and the philosophical virtues." (2019). Philosophers' Imprint, 19 (1 - 24).
ISSN: 1533-628X
Pages: 1 - 24
Language: English
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Philosophers' Imprint
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.

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