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Honesty, Humility, Courage, & Strength: Later Wittgenstein on the Difficulties of Philosophy and the Philosophical Virtues

Author(s): Citron, Gabriel

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dc.contributor.authorCitron, Gabriel-
dc.identifier.citationCitron, Gabriel. "Honesty, humility, courage, & strength: Later Wittgenstein on the difficulties of philosophy and the philosophical virtues." (2019). Philosophers' Imprint, 19 (1 - 24).en_US
dc.description.abstractWhat qualities do we need in order to be good philosophers? Wittgenstein insists that virtues of character – such as honesty, humility, courage, and strength – are more important for our philosophizing than the relevant intellectual talents and skills. These virtues are essential because doing good philosophy demands both knowing and overcoming the deep-seated desires and inclinations which lead us astray in our thinking, and achieving such self-knowledge and self-overcoming demands all of these virtues working in concert. In this paper I draw together many of Wittgenstein’s seemingly offhanded remarks on these issues in order to reconstruct his understanding of philosophy’s ‘difficulties of the will’ and the virtues needed to overcome them.en_US
dc.format.extent1 - 24en_US
dc.relation.ispartofPhilosophers' Imprinten_US
dc.rightsFinal published version. This is an open access article.en_US
dc.titleHonesty, Humility, Courage, & Strength: Later Wittgenstein on the Difficulties of Philosophy and the Philosophical Virtuesen_US
dc.typeJournal Articleen_US

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