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Impact of blend morphology on interface state recombination in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells

Author(s): Bouthinon, B; Clerc, R; Vaillant, J; Verilhac, J-M; Faure-Vincent, J; et al

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Abstract: This work is a reinvestigation of the impact of blend morphology and thermal annealing on the electrical performance of regioregular-P3HT:PC60BM bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. The morphological, structural, and electrical properties of the blend are experimentally investigated with atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and time-of-flight measurements. Current–voltage characteristics of photodiode devices are measured in the dark and under illumination. Finally, the existence of exponential electronic band tails due to gap states is experimentally confirmed by measuring the device spectral response in the subband gap regime. This method reveals the existence of a large density of gap states, which is partially and systematically reduced by thermal annealing. When the band tails are properly accounted for in the drift and diffusion simulations, experimentally measured charge transport characteristics, under both dark and illuminated conditions and as a function of annealing time, can be satisfactorily reproduced. This work further confirms the critical impact of tails states on the performance of solar cells.
Publication Date: 5-Jan-2015
Citation: Bouthinon, B, Clerc, R, Vaillant, J, Verilhac, J-M, Faure-Vincent, J, Djurado, D, Ionica, I, Man, G, Gras, A, Pananakakis, G, Gwoziecki, R, Kahn, A. (2015). Impact of blend morphology on interface state recombination in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells. Advanced Functional Materials, 25 (1090 - 1101. doi:10.1002/adfm.201401633
DOI: doi:10.1002/adfm.201401633
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Advanced Functional Materials
Version: Author's manuscript

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