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Bandwidth selection and asymptotic properties of local nonparametric estimators in possibly nonstationary continuous-time models

Author(s): Ait-Sahalia, Yacine; Park, Joon Y.

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Abstract: We derive the asymptotic properties of nonparametric estimators of the drift and diffusion functions, and the local time, of a discretely sampled diffusion process that is possibly nonstationary. We provide complete two-dimensional asymptotics in both the time span and the sampling interval, allowing for a precise characterization of their distribution, as well as the determination of optimal bandwidths for these estimators.
Publication Date: May-2016
Citation: Ait-Sahalia, Yacine, Park, Joon Y. (2016). Bandwidth selection and asymptotic properties of local nonparametric estimators in possibly nonstationary continuous-time models. Journal of Econometrics, 192 (1), 119 - 138. doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2015.11.002
DOI: doi:10.1016/j.jeconom.2015.11.002
ISSN: 0304-4076
Pages: 119 - 138
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Journal of Econometrics
Version: Author's manuscript

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