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State-Building from the Outside-In: UNMIK and Its Paradox

Author(s): Lemay-Hebert, Nicolas

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Abstract: If most of the literature on state-building has extensively covered the question of the increasing interference by United Nations peacekeeping missions, including the broadening scopes and mandates of these missions, not much has been said about the political dilemmas that the exercise of these competencies tend to create locally. This article will explore the particular legitimacy paradox affecting direct governance by an interna tional administration. The article’s main argument is that direct governance by an international administration tends to create the conditions for its own illegitimacy, portraying the state building process as exogenous to the local society. This article will specifically analyze the UN Mission in Kosovo, one of the most comprehensive and yet most challenged state-building attempts the UN has faced.
Publication Date: 2009
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Journal of Public and International Affairs
Version: Final published version. Article is made available in OAR by the publisher's permission or policy.

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