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Magic-state functional units: Mapping and scheduling multi-level distillation circuits for fault-Tolerant quantum architectures

Author(s): Ding, Y; Holmes, A; Javadi-Abhari, A; Franklin, D; Martonosi, Margaret; et al

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Abstract: © 2018 IEEE. Quantum computers have recently made great strides and are on a long-Term path towards useful fault-Tolerant computation. A dominant overhead in fault-Tolerant quantum computation is the production of high-fidelity encoded qubits, called magic states, which enable reliable error-corrected computation. We present the first detailed designs of hardware functional units that implement space-Time optimized magic-state factories for surface code error-corrected machines. Interactions among distant qubits require surface code braids (physical pathways on chip) which must be routed. Magic-state factories are circuits comprised of a complex set of braids that is more difficult to route than quantum circuits considered in previous work [1]. This paper explores the impact of scheduling techniques, such as gate reordering and qubit renaming, and we propose two novel mapping techniques: braid repulsion and dipole moment braid rotation. We combine these techniques with graph partitioning and community detection algorithms, and further introduce a stitching algorithm for mapping subgraphs onto a physical machine. Our results show a factor of 5.64 reduction in space-Time volume compared to the best-known previous designs for magic-state factories.
Publication Date: 12-Dec-2018
Citation: Ding, Y, Holmes, A, Javadi-Abhari, A, Franklin, D, Martonosi, M, Chong, F. (2018). Magic-state functional units: Mapping and scheduling multi-level distillation circuits for fault-Tolerant quantum architectures. Proceedings of the Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO, 2018-October (828 - 840. doi:10.1109/MICRO.2018.00072
DOI: doi:10.1109/MICRO.2018.00072
ISSN: 1072-4451
Pages: 828 - 840
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Proceedings of the Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO
Version: Author's manuscript

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