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Anomalous coupling between magnetic and nematic orders in quantum Hall systems

Author(s): Hossain, MS; Mueed, MA; Ma, MK; Chung, YJ; Pfeiffer, LN; et al

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Abstract: The interplay between different orders is of fundamental importance in physics. The spontaneous, symmetry-breaking charge order, responsible for the stripe or the nematic phase, has been of great interest in many contexts where strong correlations are present, such as high-temperature superconductivity and the quantum Hall effect. In this Rapid Communication, we show the unexpected result that in an interacting two-dimensional electron system, the robustness of the nematic phase, which represents an order in the charge degree of freedom, not only depends on the orbital index of the topmost, half-filled Landau level, but it is also strongly correlated with the magnetic order of the system. Intriguingly, when the system is fully magnetized, the nematic phase is particularly robust and persists to much higher temperatures compared to the nematic phases observed previously in quantum Hall systems. Our results give fundamental insight into the role of magnetization in stabilizing the nematic phase, while also providing a different knob with which it can be effectively tuned.
Publication Date: 2018
Citation: Hossain, MS, Mueed, MA, Ma, MK, Chung, YJ, Pfeiffer, LN, West, KW, Baldwin, KW, Shayegan, M. (2018). Anomalous coupling between magnetic and nematic orders in quantum Hall systems. Physical Review B, 98 (10.1103/PhysRevB.98.081109
DOI: doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.98.081109
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review B
Version: Author's manuscript

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