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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2-Jun-2014A dynamic theory of electoral competitionBattaglini, Marco
Apr-2016Presidents and the US Economy: An Econometric ExplorationBlinder, Alan S; Watson, Mark W
Apr-2013Alternative Measures of Offshorability: A Survey ApproachBlinder, Alan S; Krueger, Alan B
Jan-2012School Desegregation and Urban Change: Evidence from City BoundariesBoustan, Leah P.
Oct-2013The Effect of Rising Income Inequality on Taxation and Public Expenditures: Evidence from U.S. Municipalities and School Districts, 1970–2000Boustan, Leah P.; Ferreira, Fernando; Winkler, Hernan; Zolt, Eric M
May-2012Moving to Higher Ground: Migration Response to Natural Disasters in the Early Twentieth CenturyBoustan, Leah P.; Kahn, Matthew E; Rhode, Paul W
May-2018Through a Crystal Ball Darkly: The Future of Monetary Policy CommunicationBlinder, Alan S.
2013Patents and the dissemination of inventionsAlderucci, D; Baumol, William J.
Mar-2015Nearly Optimal Tests When a Nuisance Parameter Is Present Under the Null HypothesisElliott, Graham; Müller, Ulrich K.; Watson, Mark W.
Dec-2011Frictional wage dispersion in search models: A quantitative assessmentHornstein, A; Krusell, P; Violante, Giovanni L.