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Princeton School of Public and International Affairs

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Aug-2013Measles elimination: progress, challenges and implications for rubella controlCutts, Felicity T.; Lessler, Justin; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.
Aug-2013Something in the water: contaminated drinking water and infant healthCurrie, Janet M.; Graff Zivin, Joshua; Meckel, Katherine; Neidell, Matthew; Schlenker, Wolfram
Aug-2013Early Life Health Interventions and Academic Achievement.Bharadwaj, Prashant; Loken, Katrine Vellesen; Neilson, Christopher A.
10-Jul-2013In the Eye of the Beholder: How Leaders and Intelligence Communities Assess the Intentions of AdversariesYarhi-Milo, Keren
5-Jul-2013Microbial–Mammalian Cometabolites Dominate the Age-associated Urinary Metabolic Phenotype in Taiwanese and American PopulationsSwann, Jonathan R; Spagou, Konstantina; Lewis, Matthew; Nicholson, Jeremy K; Glei, Dana A; et al
5-Jul-2013Balancing Evidence and Uncertainty when Considering Rubella Vaccine IntroductionLessler, Justin; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.
Jul-2013Perceived stress and biological risk: is the link stronger in Russians than in Taiwanese and Americans?Glei, Dana A; Goldman, Noreen; Shkolnikov, Vladimir M; Jdanov, Dmitri; Shkolnikova, Maria; et al
Jul-2013Nitrogen–climate interactions in US agricultureRobertson, G. Philip; Bruulsema, Tom W.; Gehl, Ron J.; Kanter, David; Mauzerall, Denise L.; et al
Jul-2013America's Immigration Policy Fiasco: Learning from Past MistakesMassey, Douglas S.
Jul-2013Latin American Immigration to the United StatesTienda, Marta; Sánchez, Susana M.
Jul-2013Immigration & Language Diversity in the United StatesRumbaut, Rubén G.; Massey, Douglas S.
24-Jun-2013Towards the endgame and beyond: complexities and challenges for the elimination of infectious diseasesKlepac, Petra; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; McLean, Angela R.; Hampson, Katie
24-Jun-2013Think globally, act locally: the role of local demographics and vaccination coverage in the dynamic response of measles infection to controlFerrari, M.J.; Grenfell, Bryan T.; Strebel, P.M.
Jun-2013Do Affordable Housing Projects Harm Suburban Communities? Crime, Property Values, and Taxes in Mount Laurel, NJAlbright, Len; Derickson, Elizabeth S.; Massey, Douglas S.
Jun-2013Comment: Building a Better UnderclassMassey, Douglas S.
Jun-2013Nonconvexities, Retirement, and the Elasticity of Labor SupplyRogerson, Richard; Wallenius, Johanna
31-May-2013Empirically calibrating damage functions and considering stochasticity when integrated assessment models are used as decision toolsKopp, Robert E.; Hsiang, Solomon M.; Oppenheimer, Michael
May-2013Weathering the Storm: Hurricanes and Birth OutcomesCurrie, Janet M.; Rossin-Slater, Maya
May-2013Testing for Factor Price Equality with Unobserved Differences in Factor Quality or ProductivityBernard, Andrew B.; Redding, Stephen J.; Schott, Peter K.
May-2013Sources of Wage InequalityAkerman, Anders; Helpman, Elhanan; Itskhoki, Oleg; Muendler, Marc-Andreas; Redding, Stephen J.