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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2018Topology-Optimized Multilayered MetaopticsLin, Z; Groever, B; Capasso, F; Rodriguez, Alejandro W; Lončar, M
2015Thermal radiation from optically driven Kerr (χ (3)) photonic cavitiesKhandekar, C; Lin, Z; Rodriguez, Alejandro W
Dec-2016Geometric Resonance of Composite Fermions near Bilayer Quantum Hall StatesMueed, MA; Kamburov, D; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW; Baldwin, KW, et al
Apr-2015Composite Fermions with a Warped Fermi ContourMueed, MA; Kamburov, D; Liu, Yang; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN, et al
May-2013Composite Fermions with Tunable Fermi Contour AnisotropyKamburov, D; Liu, Yang; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW, et al
2018Wigner solids of wide quantum wells near Landau filling ν=1Hatke, AT; Liu, Y; Engel, LW; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW, et al
May-2012Unequal layer densities in bilayer Wigner crystal at high magnetic fieldsWang, Zhihai; Chen, Yong P; Zhu, Han; Engel, LW; Tsui, DC, et al
2019Wigner solid pinning modes tuned by fractional quantum Hall states of a nearby layerHatke, AT; Deng, H; Liu, Y; Engel, LW; Pfeiffer, LN, et al
Jan-2015fractional quantum Hall effect in tilted magnetic fieldsHasdemir, S; Liu, Yang; Deng, H; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN, et al
Nov-2015Unusual Landau level pinning and correlated quantum Hall effect in hole systems confined to wide GaAs quantum wellsLiu, Yang; Hasdemir, S; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW, et al