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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2013Phase diagrams for the stability of the fractional quantum Hall effect in electron systems confined to symmetric, wide GaAs quantum wellsShabani, J; Liu, Yang; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW, et al
2020Observation of spontaneous ferromagnetism in a two-dimensional electron systemHossain, MS; Ma, MK; Villegas Rosales, KA; Chung, YJ; Pfeiffer, LN, et al
2019Geometric resonance of four-flux composite fermionsHossain, MS; Ma, MK; Mueed, MA; Kamburov, D; Pfeiffer, LN, et al
May-2013Composite Fermions with Tunable Fermi Contour AnisotropyKamburov, D; Liu, Yang; Shayegan, Mansour; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW, et al
2018Critical filling factor for the formation of a quantum Wigner crystal screened by a nearby layerDeng, H; Engel, LW; Pfeiffer, LN; West, KW; Baldwin, KW, et al
2020Fluctuational electrodynamics in atomic and macroscopic systems: Van der Waals interactions and radiative heat transferVenkataram, PS; Hermann, J; Tkatchenko, A; Rodriguez, AW
2015Fluctuating volume-current formulation of electromagnetic fluctuations in inhomogeneous media: Incandescence and luminescence in arbitrary geometriesPolimeridis, AG; Reid, MTH; Jin, W; Johnson, SG; White, JK, et al
2019Material scaling and frequency-selective enhancement of near-field radiative heat transfer for lossy metals in two dimensions via inverse designJin, W; Molesky, S; Lin, Z; Rodriguez, Alejandro W
2019Negative longitudinal magnetoresistance in gallium arsenide quantum wellsXu, J; Ma, MK; Sultanov, M; Xiao, Z-L; Wang, Y-L, et al
2019Spatial Mapping of Local Density Variations in Two-dimensional Electron Systems Using Scanning PhotoluminescenceChung, YJ; Baldwin, KW; West, KW; Haug, N; Van De Wetering, J, et al