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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
17-Jun-2013Chirped lasers dispersion spectroscopy implemented with single- and dual-sideband electro-optical modulatorsNikodem, Michal; Plant, Genevieve; Wang, Zhenxing; Prucnal, Paul; Wysocki, Gerard
15-May-2018Ultrasensitive Ebola virus antigen detection via a nanoantenna-array biosensing platformZang, Faheng; Su, Zhijuan; Zhou, Liangcheng; Kaplan, Gerardo; Chou, Stephen
-Pixel super-resolution with spatially entangled photonsDefienne, Hugo; Cameron, Patrick; Ndagano, Bienvenu; Lyons, Ashley; Reichert, Matthew, et al
14-May-2020Thermal Management Enables Bright and Stable Perovskite Light-Emitting DiodesZhao, L; Roh, K; Kacmoli, S; Al Kurdi, K; Jhulki, S, et al
1-May-2018Optical frequency comb Faraday rotation spectroscopyJohansson, AC; Westberg, J; Wysocki, Gerard; Foltynowicz, A
Jan-2018Heterodyne interferometric signal retrieval in photoacoustic spectroscopy.Krzempek, Karol; Dudzik, Grzegorz; Abramski, Krzysztof; Wysocki, Gerard; Jaworski, Piotr, et al
10-Feb-2017Observation of a dissipative phase transition in a one-dimensional circuit QED latticeFitzpatrick, M; Sundaresan, NM; Li, ACY; Koch, J; Houck, Andrew A
18-Oct-2016Three-dimensional interface roughness in layered semiconductor structures and its effect on intersubband transitionsSong, AY; Bhat, R; Bouzi, P; Zah, C-E; Gmachl, Claire F
4-Mar-2013In vivo measurement of mid-infrared light scattering from human skinMichel, APM; Liakat, S; Bors, K; Gmachl, Claire F
19-Jan-2012Ridge-width dependence of the threshold of long wavelength (λ ≈14 μm) quantum cascade lasers with sloped and vertical sidewallsHuang, X; Chiu, Y; Charles, WO; Gmachl, Claire F