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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
8-Oct-2021Calibration of the liquid argon ionization response to low energy electronic and nuclear recoils with DarkSide-50Agnes, P; Albuquerque, IFM; Alexander, T; Alton, AK; Ave, M, et al
5-May-2022Obstructed Surface States as the Descriptor for Predicting Catalytic Active Sites in Inorganic Crystalline MaterialsLi, Guowei; Xu, Yuanfeng; Song, Zhida; Yang, Qun; Zhang, Yudi, et al
19-Nov-2021Characterization of the scintillation time response of liquid argon detectors for dark matter searchAgnes, P; De Cecco, S; Fan, A; Fiorillo, G; Franco, D, et al
1-May-2020Evidence for an edge supercurrent in the Weyl superconductor MoTe2Wang, Wudi; Kim, Stephan; Liu, Minhao; Cevallos, FA; Cava, Robert J, et al
Nov-2017Phase locking of a semiconductor double-quantum-dot single-atom maserLiu, Y-Y; Hartke, TR; Stehlik, J; Petta, Jason R
12-Nov-2018Planck intermediate results LIV. The Planck multi-frequency catalogue of non-thermal sourcesPlanck Collaboration; Akrami, Y; Argueso, F; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J, et al
27-Nov-2017Planck intermediate results LII. Planet flux densitiesPlanck Collaboration; Akrami, Y; Ashdown, M; Aumont, J; Baccigalupi, C, et al
19-Jul-2016Design of 280 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES arrays for the balloon-borne polarimeter SPIDERHubmayr, J; Austermann, JE; Beall, JA; Becker, DT; Benton, SJ, et al
25-May-2022Molecular Laser Cooling in a Dynamically Tunable Repulsive Optical TrapLu, Yukai; Holland, Connor M; Cheuk, Lawrence W
2-Aug-2017A New Limit on CMB Circular Polarization from SPIDERNagy, JM; Ade, PAR; Amiri, M; Benton, SJ; Bergman, AS, et al