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Faculty Publications (School of Public and International Affairs)

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
15-Aug-2018Recent trends in life expectancy across high income countries: retrospective observational studyHo, Jessica Y.; Hendi, Arun
1-Aug-2018Inference in regression discontinuity designs with a discrete running variableKolesár, Michal; Rothe, Christoph
Aug-2018Objectifying Women’s Bodies is Acceptable from an Intimate Perpetrator, at Least for Female SexistsLameiras-Fernández, María; Fiske, Susan T.; Fernández, Antonio González; Lopez, José F
15-Jul-2018Suburbanization and segregation in the United States: 1970–2010Massey, Douglas S.; Tannen, Jonathan
5-Jul-2018What do exporters know?Dickstein, Michael J.; Morales, Eduardo
4-Jul-2018The social structure of mortgage discriminationSteil, Justin P.; Albright, Len; Rugh, Jacob S.; Massey, Douglas S.
2-Jul-2018Benefits and Challenges in Using Seroprevalence Data to Inform Models for Measles and Rubella EliminationWinter, Amy K.; Martinez, Micaela E.; Cutts, Felicity T.; Moss, William J.; Ferrari, Matt J.; et al
Jul-2018Links Between Childhood Exposure to Violent Contexts and Risky Adolescent Health BehaviorsJames, Sarah; Donnelly, Louis; Brooks-Gunn, Jeanne; McLanahan, Sara
Jul-2018Declining mental health among disadvantaged Americans.Goldman, Noreen; Glei, Dana A.; Weinstein, Maxine
19-Jun-2018Organic Wastes and Tropical Forest RestorationChoi, Jonathan J.; Treuer, Timothy L.H.; Werden, Leland K.; Wilcove, David S.
6-Jun-2018Revealing Measles Outbreak Risk With a Nested Immunoglobulin G Serosurvey in MadagascarWinter, Amy K.; Wesolowski, Amy P.; Mensah, Keitly J.; Ramamonjiharisoa, Miora Bruna; Randriamanantena, Andrianmasina Herivelo; et al
1-Jun-2018Climate, air quality and human health benefits of various solar photovoltaic deployment scenarios in China in 2030Yang, Junnan; Li, Xiaoyuan; Peng, Wei; Wagner, Fabian; Mauzerall, Denise L.
1-Jun-2018The Geography of DevelopmentDesmet, Klaus; Nagy, David Krisztian; Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban A.
17-May-2018Analysis of multi-level spatial data reveals strong synchrony in seasonal influenza epidemics across Norway, Sweden, and DenmarkMorris, Sinead E.; Freiesleben de Blasio, Birgitte; Viboud, Cécile; Wesolowski, Amy; Bjørnstad, Ottar N.; et al
9-May-2018Challenges and Opportunities in Disease Forecasting in Outbreak Settings: A Case Study of Measles in Lola Prefecture, GuineaFerrari, Matthew J.; Metcalf, C. Jessica E.; Graham, Matthew; Prikazsky, Vladimir; Takahashi, Saki; et al
May-2018The emerging role of obesity in short-acting hormonal contraceptive effectiveness.Edelman, Alison; Trussell, James; Aiken, Abigail RA; Portman, David J; Chiodo, Joseph A; et al
May-2018The emerging role of obesity in short-acting hormonal contraceptive effectiveness.Edelman, Alison; Trussell, James; Aiken, Abigail R.A.; Portman, David J.; Chiodo, Joseph A.; et al
7-Apr-2018Impact of Public Health Responses During a Measles Outbreak in an Amish Community in Ohio: Modeling the Dynamics of TransmissionGastañaduy, Paul A.; Funk, Sebastian; Paul, Prabasaj; Tatham, Lilith; Fisher, Nicholas; et al
Apr-2018Telephone or integrated contraception counselling before abortion: impact on method choice and receipt.Lohr, Patricia A; Aiken, Abigail RA; Forsyth, Tracey; Trussell, James
20-Mar-2018The seasonality of nonpolio enteroviruses in the United States: Patterns and driversPons-Salort, Margarita; Oberste, M. Steven; Pallansch, Mark A.; Abedi, Glen R.; Takahashi, Saki; et al