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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
22-Aug-2022Catalogue of flat-band stoichiometric materialsRegnault, Nicolas; Xu, Yuanfeng; Li, Ming-Rui; Ma, Da-Shuai; Jovanovic, Milena; et al
15-Mar-2018Entanglement entropy from tensor network states for stabilizer codesHe, Huan; Zheng, Yunqin; Bernevig, Bogdan A.; Regnault, Nicolas
2017Entanglement of Exact Excited Eigenstates of the Hubbard Model in Arbitrary DimensionVafek, Oskar; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, Bogdan A
15-Dec-2018Entanglement of exact excited states of Affleck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki models: Exact results, many-body scars, and violation of the strong eigenstate thermalization hypothesisMoudgalya, Sanjay; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, Bogdan A.
15-Dec-2018Exact excited states of nonintegrable modelsMoudgalya, Sanjay; Rachel, Stephan; Bernevig, Bogdan A.; Regnault, Nicolas
26-Jan-2022Exact quantum scars in the chiral nonlinear Luttinger liquidSchindler, Frank; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, Bogdan A.
12-Jul-2019Flatbands and Perfect Metal in Trilayer Moire GrapheneMora, Christophe; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, Bogdan A.
23-Apr-2021Fractional chiral hinge insulatorHackenbroich, Anna; Hudomal, Ana; Schuch, Norbert; Bernevig, Bogdan A.; Regnault, Nicolas
-Line-graph-lattice crystal structures of stoichiometric materialsChiu, Christie S; Carroll, Annette N; Regnault, Nicolas; Houck, Andrew A
11-Mar-2019LSST: From Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data ProductsIvezić, vZeljko; Kahn, Steven M; Tyson, J Anthony; Abel, Bob; Acosta, Emily; et al
31-Oct-2022Machine‐Learning Spectral Indicators of TopologyAndrejevic, Nina; Andrejevic, Jovana; Bernevig, Bogdan A.; Regnault, Nicolas; Han, Fei; et al
21-Mar-2022An O(N ) Ab initio Calculation Scheme for Large-Scale Moir´e StructuresZhang, Tan; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, B Andrei; Dai, Xi; Weng, Hongming
14-Sep-2015Projective construction of the Z(k) Read-Rezayi fractional quantum Hall states and their excitations on the torus geometryRepellin, Cecile; Neupert, Titus; Bernevig, Bogdan A.; Regnault, Nicolas
20-Jun-2022Quantum Many-Body Scars and Hilbert Space Fragmentation: A Review of Exact ResultsMoudgalya, Sanjay; Bernevig, Bogdan A.; Regnault, Nicolas
15-Apr-2019Restricted Boltzmann machines and matrix product states of one-dimensional translationally invariant stabilizer codesZheng, Yunqin; He, Huan; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, Bogdan A.
15-Sep-2022Spectroscopy of Twisted Bilayer Graphene Correlated InsulatorsCălugăru, Dumitru; Regnault, Nicolas; Oh, Myungchul; Nuckolls, Kevin P.; Wong, Dillon; et al
-Spin-Orbit-Induced Topological Flat Bands in Line and Split Graphs of Bipartite LatticesMa, Da-Shuai; Xu, Yuanfeng; Chiu, Christie S; Regnault, Nicolas; Houck, Andrew A; et al
1-Nov-2021Topological materials discovery from crystal symmetryWieder, Benjamin J; Bradlyn, Barry; Cano, Jennifer; Wang, Zhijun; Vergniory, Maia G; et al
-Twisted bilayer graphene. I. Matrix elements, approximations, perturbation theory, and a k·p two-band modelBernevig, B Andrei; Song, Zhi-Da; Regnault, Nicolas; Lian, Biao
11-May-2021Twisted bilayer graphene. II. Stable symmetry anomalySong, Zhi-Da; Lian, Biao; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, B Andrei