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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
5-Aug-2016Beyond Dirac and Weyl fermions: Unconventional quasiparticles in conventional crystalsBradlyn, Barry; Cano, Jennifer; Wang, Zhijun; Vergniory, MG; Felser, C; et al
20-Dec-2021Bulk and edge properties of twisted double bilayer grapheneWang, Yimeng; Herzog-Arbeitman, Jonah; Burg, G William; Zhu, Jihang; Watanabe, Kenji; et al
2-Nov-2021Competing Zero-Field Chern Insulators in Superconducting Twisted Bilayer GrapheneStepanov, Petr; Xie, Ming; Taniguchi, Takashi; Watanabe, Kenji; Lu, Xiaobo; et al
19-Mar-2021Crystalline symmetry-protected non-trivial topology in prototype compound BaAl4Wang, Kefeng; Mori, Ryo; Wang, Zhijun; Wang, Limin; Ma, Jonathan Han Son; et al
29-Jun-2021Delocalization Transition of a Disordered Axion InsulatorSong, Zhi-Da; Lian, Biao; Queiroz, Raquel; Ilan, Roni; Bernevig, B Andrei; et al
-Fragile Topology and Flat-Band Superconductivity in the Strong-Coupling RegimePeri, Valerio; Song, Zhi-Da; Bernevig, B Andrei; Huber, Sebastian D
-Fragile topology in line-graph lattices with two, three, or four gapped flat bandsChiu, Christie S; Ma, Da-Shuai; Song, Zhi-Da; Bernevig, B Andrei; Houck, Andrew A
23-Jul-2021Multiple flat bands and topological Hofstadter butterfly in twisted bilayer graphene close to the second magic angleLu, Xiaobo; Lian, Biao; Chaudhary, Gaurav; Piot, Benjamin A; Romagnoli, Giulio; et al
21-Mar-2022An O(N ) Ab initio Calculation Scheme for Large-Scale Moir´e StructuresZhang, Tan; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, B Andrei; Dai, Xi; Weng, Hongming
5-May-2022Obstructed Surface States as the Descriptor for Predicting Catalytic Active Sites in Inorganic Crystalline MaterialsLi, Guowei; Xu, Yuanfeng; Song, Zhida; Yang, Qun; Zhang, Yudi; et al
18-Jan-2021Publisher Correction: A charge-density-wave topological semimetalShi, Wujun; Wieder, Benjamin J; Meyerheim, Holger L; Sun, Yan; Zhang, Yang; et al
9-Aug-2022Reentrant Correlated Insulators in Twisted Bilayer Graphene at 25T 2π FluxHerzog-Arbeitman, Jonah; Chew, Aaron; Efetov, Dmitri K; Bernevig, B Andrei
-Spin-Orbit-Induced Topological Flat Bands in Line and Split Graphs of Bipartite LatticesMa, Da-Shuai; Xu, Yuanfeng; Chiu, Christie S; Regnault, Nicolas; Houck, Andrew A; et al
25-Feb-2022Superfluid Weight Bounds from Symmetry and Quantum Geometry in Flat BandsHerzog-Arbeitman, Jonah; Peri, Valerio; Schindler, Frank; Huber, Sebastian D; Bernevig, B Andrei
1-Mar-2021Symmetry-broken Chern insulators and Rashba-like Landau-level crossings in magic-angle bilayer grapheneDas, Ipsita; Lu, Xiaobo; Herzog-Arbeitman, Jonah; Song, Zhi-Da; Watanabe, Kenji; et al
1-Nov-2021Topological materials discovery from crystal symmetryWieder, Benjamin J; Bradlyn, Barry; Cano, Jennifer; Wang, Zhijun; Vergniory, Maia G; et al
-Twisted bilayer graphene. I. Matrix elements, approximations, perturbation theory, and a k·p two-band modelBernevig, B Andrei; Song, Zhi-Da; Regnault, Nicolas; Lian, Biao
11-May-2021Twisted bilayer graphene. II. Stable symmetry anomalySong, Zhi-Da; Lian, Biao; Regnault, Nicolas; Bernevig, B Andrei
11-May-2021Twisted bilayer graphene. III. Interacting Hamiltonian and exact symmetriesBernevig, B Andrei; Song, Zhi-Da; Regnault, Nicolas; Lian, Biao
11-May-2021Twisted bilayer graphene. IV. Exact insulator ground states and phase diagramLian, Biao; Song, Zhi-Da; Regnault, Nicolas; Efetov, Dmitri K; Yazdani, Ali; et al