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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Sep-2017Fully Integrated Fluorescence Biosensors On-Chip Employing Multi-Functional Nanoplasmonic Optical Structures in CMOSHong, L; Li, H; Yang, H; Sengupta, K
2017Fully Integrated Optical Spectrometer in Visible and Near-IR in CMOSHong, L; Sengupta, Kaushik
Aug-2016PISCES: A Programmable, Protocol-Independent Software SwitchShahbaz, Muhammad; Choi, Sean; Pfaff, Ben; Kim, Changhoon; Feamster, Nick, et al
2017Physically-Based Rendering for Indoor Scene Understanding Using Convolutional Neural NetworksZhang, Yinda; Song, Shuran; Yumer, Ersin; Savva, Manolis; Lee, Joon-Young, et al
2018Single-chip source-free terahertz spectroscope across 0.04-0.99 THz: Combining sub-wavelength near-field sensing and regression analysisWu, X; Sengupta, Kaushik
2018PG-TS: Improved Thompson Sampling for Logistic Contextual BanditsDumitrascu, Bianca; Feng, Karen; Engelhardt, Barbara
22-Sep-2012Seismic wavespeed images across the Iapetus and Tornquist suture zonesZhu, Hejun; Bozdag, Ebru; Peter, Daniel; Tromp, Jeroen
Dec-2019Gender, Law, and Security (volume II)English, Beth; Buckinx, Barbara; Morrison, Amanda; Rodriguez Gallego, Kiara; Gandikota-Nellutla, Varsha, et al
2013Automatically exploiting cross-invocation parallelism using runtime informationHuang, Jialu; Jablin, Thomas B; Beard, Stephen R; Johnson, Nick P; August, David I
2018A Bayesian Nonparametric View on Count-Min SketchCai, Diana; Mitzenmacher, Michael; Adams, Ryan P