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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2017Response to ResponsesKotin, Joshua; Kindellan, Michael
2017Forum: The Cantos and Pedagogy: The Cantos and PedagogyKotin, Joshua; Kindellan, Michael
1-Nov-2012Panic’s CastleDolven, Jeff
1-Dec-2014Performing DesireDolan, Jill; Wolf, Stacy
2018Arrow of God: The Novel and the Problem of Modern TimeGikandi, Simon
2014Afterword: Outside the Black AtlanticGikandi, Simon
2014Between Slavery and Taste: A ResponseGikandi, Simon
1-Nov-2017How to Think a Figure; or, Hegel’s CirclesCole, Andrew
1-May-2019Desert BloomsChaudhary, Zahid R
2018Samo Tomšič. The Capitalist Unconscious: Marx and Lacan. New York: Verso, 2015. 256 pp.Cole, Andrew