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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2020PerpLE: Improving the Speed and Effectiveness of Memory Consistency TestingMelissaris, Themis; Markakis, Markos; Shaw, Kelly; Martonosi, Margaret
2020Time-Space Tradeoffs for Distinguishing Distributions and Applications to Security of Goldreich’s PRGGarg, Sumegha; Kothari, Pravesh K; Raz, Ran
12-Jul-2017Could the Recent Zika Epidemic Have Been Predicted?Muñoz, Ángel G; Thomson, Madeleine C; Stewart-Ibarra, Anna M; Vecchi, Gabriel A; Chourio, Xandre, et al
2019OKAPI: In Support of Application Correctness in Smart Home EnvironmentsMelissaris, Themis; Shaw, Kelly; Martonosi, Margaret
Mar-2012Translating Textbooks: Russian, German, and the Language of ChemistryGordin, Michael D
23-Jan-2018The Uneven History of Modern American SexualityKunzel, Regina
Mar-2020The SPTpol Extended Cluster SurveyBleem, LE; Bocquet, S; Stalder, B; Gladders, MD; Ade, PAR, et al
10-Apr-2020Milky Way Satellite Census. I. The Observational Selection Function for Milky Way Satellites in DES Y3 and Pan-STARRS DR1Drlica-Wagner, A; Bechtol, K; Mau, S; McNanna, M; Nadler, EO, et al
15-Sep-2019Constraints on the redshift evolution of astrophysical feedback with Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect cross-correlationsPandey, S; Baxter, EJ; Xu, Z; Orlowski-Scherer, J; Zhu, N, et al
18-Dec-2017Eicosanoyl-5-hydroxytryptamide (EHT) prevents Alzheimer's disease-related cognitive and electrophysiological impairments in mice exposed to elevated concentrations of oligomeric beta-amyloidAsam, Kesava; Staniszewski, Agnieszka; Zhang, Hong; Melideo, Scott L; Mazzeo, Adolfo, et al