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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2019Brain death: A response to the commentariesSinger, Peter
Feb-2016Why Speciesism is Wrong: A Response to KaganSinger, P
20-Aug-2012Gauge-fixed Wannier wave functions for fractional topological insulatorsWu, Yang-Le; Regnault, N; Bernevig, Bogdan A
28-Nov-2018Selective expansion of myeloid and NK cells in humanized mice yields human-like vaccine responses.Douam, Florian; Ziegler, Carly GK; Hrebikova, Gabriela; Fant, Bruno; Leach, Robert, et al
1-Mar-2019Unevolved de novo proteins have innate tendencies to bind transition metalsWang, Michael S.; Hoegler, Kenric J.; Hecht, Michael H.
16-Oct-2014A Cellular Automaton Model for Tumor Dormancy: Emergence of a Proliferative SwitchChen, Duyu; Jiao, Yang; Torquato, Salvatore
2-Jul-2018Searching for crystal-ice domains in amorphous icesMartelli, Fausto; Giovambattista, Nicolas; Torquato, Salvatore; Car, Roberto
16-Nov-2011Spatial Organization and Correlations of Cell Nuclei in Brain TumorsJiao, Yang; Berman, Hal; Kiehl, Tim-Rasmus; Torquato, Salvatore
Jan-2016Anomalous composition dependence of the superconductivity in In-doped SnTeHaldolaarachchige, Neel; Gibson, Quinn; Xie, Weiwei; Nielsen, Morten Bormann; Kushwaha, Satya, et al
18-Jan-2018Anisotropic magnetic properties of the ferromagnetic semiconductor CrSbSe3Kong, Tai; Stolze, Karoline; Ni, Danrui; Kushwaha, Satya Kumar; Cava, Robert Joseph