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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
2013A faithful linear-categorical action of the mapping class group of a surface with boundaryLipshitz, Robert; Ozsvath, Peter Steven; Thurston, Dylan P.
Jan-2016Knot lattice homology in L-spacesOzsvath, Peter Steven; Stipsicz, Andras I.; Szabo, Zoltan
10-Jan-2012Rayleigh-Taylor instability in nonlinear Schrödinger flowJia, S; Haataja, Mikko; Fleischer, Jason W
2013Odd Khovanov homologyOzsvath, Peter Steven; Rasmussen, Jacob; Szabo, Zoltan
16-Mar-2017Biphoton transmission through non-unitary objectsReichert, M; Defienne, H; Sun, X; Fleischer, Jason W
22-Jun-2017Quality of spatial entanglement propagationReichert, M; Sun, X; Fleischer, Jason W
10-Sep-2015Model of anisotropic nonlinearity in selfdefocusing photorefractive mediaBarsi, C; Fleischer, Jason W
13-Jul-2014Phase-space measurement for depth-resolved memory-effect imagingTakasaki, KT; Fleischer, Jason W
3-Apr-2013Three-dimensional deconvolution microfluidic microscopy using a tilted channelPégard, Nicolas C.; Fleischer, Jason W.
2012Anomalous Hall effects of light and chiral edge modes on the Kagomé latticePetrescu, A; Houck, AA; Le Hur, K