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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
8-Aug-2016Weak-lensing mass calibration of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope equatorial Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster sample with the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope stripe 82 surveyBattaglia, Nicholas A.; Leauthaud, A; Miyatake, Hironao; Hasselfield, M; Gralla, MB, et al
15-Mar-2017Complementing the ground-based CMB-S4 experiment on large scales with the PIXIE satelliteCalabrese, Erminia; Alonso, David; Dunkley, Jo
20-Sep-2016A physical zero-knowledge object-comparison system for nuclear warhead verificationPhilippe, S; Goldston, Robert J; Glaser, A; D Errico, F
Apr-2017Plasma Wave Seed for Raman AmplifiersQu, Kenan; Barth, Ido; Fisch, Nathaniel J
23-May-2014Firehose and mirror instabilities in a collisionless shearing plasmaKunz, Matthew W.; Schekochihin, AA; Stone, James M
2014Cloud-scale ice-supersaturated regions spatially correlate with high water vapor heterogeneitiesDiao, M; Zondlo, MA; Heymsfield, AJ; Avallone, LM; Paige, ME, et al
3-Sep-2015Four-Fold Increase in the Intrinsic Capacitance of Graphene through Functionalization and Lattice DisorderPope, Michael A; Aksay, Ilhan A
2016Structure-Dependent Electrochemistry of Reduced Graphene Oxide MonolayersPunckt, Christian; Pope, Michael A; Liu, Yifei M; Aksay, Ilhan A
17-Dec-2012Compact and portable open-path sensor for simultaneous measurements of atmospheric N_2O and CO using a quantum cascade laserTao, Lei; Sun, Kang; Khan, M Amir; Miller, David J; Zondlo, Mark A
23-May-2015High-Rate Li+ Storage Capacity of Surfactant-Templated Graphene-TiO2 NanocompositesHsieh, AG; Punckt, C; Aksay, IA