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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
Jun-2015Joint source-channel secrecy using hybrid codingSong, Eva C; Cuff, Paul; Poor, H Vincent
Jun-2015Fast inverse nonlinear Fourier transform for generating multi-solitons in optical fiberWahls, Sander; Poor, H Vincent
19-Aug-2015Exploiting Social Trust Assisted Reciprocity (STAR) Toward Utility-Optimal Socially-Aware CrowdsensingGong, Xiaowen; Chen, Xu; Zhang, Junshan; Poor, H Vincent
Jun-2015Outage performance of uplink two-tier networks under backhaul constraintJalali, Shirin; Zeinalpour-Yazdi, Zolfa; Poor, H. Vincent
18-May-2015Secure Degrees of Freedom of Wireless X Networks Using Artificial Noise AlignmentWang, Zhao; Xiao, Ming; Skoglund, Mikael; Poor, H Vincent
28-Sep-2018Fundamentals of Wireless Information and Power Transfer: From RF Energy Harvester Models to Signal and System DesignsClerckx, Bruno; Zhang, Rui; Schober, Robert; Ng, Derrick Wing Kwan; Kim, Dong In, et al
10-Apr-2014Multiuser Lattice Coding for the Multiple-Access Relay ChannelLee, Chung-Pi; Lin, Shih-Chun; Su, Hsuan-Jung; Poor, H Vincent
19-Mar-2013Utility-Privacy Tradeoffs in Databases: An Information-Theoretic ApproachSankar, Lalitha; Rajagopalan, S Raj; Poor, H Vincent
31-Dec-2021Revisiting Analog Over-the-Air Machine Learning: The Blessing and Curse of InterferenceYang, Howard H; Chen, Zihan; Quek, Tony QS; Poor, H Vincent
Dec-2020Wireless Communications for Collaborative Federated LearningChen, Mingzhe; Poor, H Vincent; Saad, Walid; Cui, Shuguang