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Cold welding of organic light emitting diode: Interfacial and contact models

Author(s): Asare, J; Adeniji, SA; Oyewole, OK; Agyei-Tuffour, B; Du, J; et al

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Abstract: This paper presents the results of an analytical and computational study of the contacts and interfacial fracture associated with the cold welding of Organic Light Emitting diodes (OLEDs). The effects of impurities (within the possible interfaces) are explored for contacts and interfacial fracture between layers that are relevant to model OLEDs. The models are used to study the effects of adhesion, pressure, thin film layer thickness and dust particle modulus (between the contacting surfaces) on contact profiles around impurities between cold-welded thin films. The lift-off stage of thin films (during cold welding) is then modeled as an interfacial fracture process. A combination of adhesion and interfacial fracture theories is used to provide new insights for the design of improved contact and interfacial separation during cold welding. The implications of the results are discussed for the design and fabrication of cold welded OLED structures.
Publication Date: 2016
Citation: Asare, J., S. A. Adeniji, O. K. Oyewole, B. Agyei-Tuffour, Jing Du, E. Arthur, A. A. Fashina, M. G. Zebaze Kana, and W. O. Soboyejo. "Cold welding of organic light emitting diode: Interfacial and contact models." AIP Advances 6, no. 6 (2016): 065125. doi: 10.1063/1.4955141
DOI: doi:10.1063/1.4955141
EISSN: 2158-3226
Pages: 065125
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: AIP Advances
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.

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