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Prediction of a magnetic Weyl semimetal without spin-orbit coupling and strong anomalous Hall effect in the Heusler compensated ferrimagnet Ti2⁢MnA

Author(s): Shi, Wujun; Muechler, Lukas; Manna, Kaustuv; Zhang, Yang; Koepernik, Klaus; et al

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Abstract: We predict a magnetic Weyl semimetal in the inverse Heusler Ti2⁢MnAl, a compensated ferrimagnet with a vanishing net magnetic moment and a Curie temperature of over 650 K. Despite the vanishing net magnetic moment, we calculate a large intrinsic anomalous Hall effect (AHE) of about 300 S/cm. It derives from the Berry curvature distribution of the Weyl points, which are only 14 meV away from the Fermi level and isolated from trivial bands. Different from antiferromagnets Mn3⁢𝑋 (𝑋=Ge, Sn, Ga, Ir, Rh, and Pt), where the AHE originates from the noncollinear magnetic structure, the AHE in Ti2⁢MnAl stems directly from the Weyl points and is topologically protected. The large anomalous Hall conductivity (AHC) together with a low charge carrier concentration should give rise to a large anomalous Hall angle. In contrast to the Co-based ferromagnetic Heusler compounds, the Weyl nodes in Ti2⁢MnAl do not derive from nodal lines due to the lack of mirror symmetries in the inverse Heusler structure. Since the magnetic structure breaks spin-rotation symmetry, the Weyl nodes are stable without SOC. Moreover, because of the large separation between Weyl points of opposite topological charge, the Fermi arcs extent up to 75% of the reciprocal lattice vectors in length. This makes Ti2⁢MnAl an excellent candidate for the comprehensive study of magnetic Weyl semimetals. It is the first example of a material with Weyl points, large anomalous Hall effect, and angle despite a vanishing net magnetic moment.
Publication Date: 21-Feb-2018
Electronic Publication Date: 21-Feb-2018
Citation: Shi, Wujun, Muechler, Lukas, Manna, Kaustuv, Zhang, Yang, Koepernik, Klaus, Car, Roberto, van den Brink, Jeroen, Felser, Claudia, Sun, Yan. (Prediction of a magnetic Weyl semimetal without spin-orbit coupling and strong anomalous Hall effect in the Heusler compensated ferrimagnet Ti2⁢MnA. Physical Review B, 97 (6), 10.1103/physrevb.97.060406
DOI: doi:10.1103/physrevb.97.060406
ISSN: 2469-9950
EISSN: 2469-9969
Language: en
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Physical Review B
Version: Author's manuscript

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