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Publication Date | Article Title | Author(s) |
Apr-2017 | Low lifetime stress exposure is associated with reduced stimulus-response memory | Goldfarb, Elizabeth V.; Shields, Grant S.; Daw, Nathaniel D.; Slavich, George M.; Phelps, Elizabeth A. |
Mar-2016 | Characterizing a psychiatric symptom dimension related to deficits in goal-directed control | Gillan, Claire M.; Kosinski, Michal; Whelan, Robert; Phelps, Elizabeth A.; Daw, Nathaniel D. |
2-Feb-2018 | A Perceptual Inference Mechanism for Hallucinations Linked to Striatal Dopamine. | Cassidy, Clifford M.; Balsam, Peter D.; Weinstein, Jodi J.; Rosengard, Rachel J.; Slifstein, Mark, et al |
Feb-2015 | Cognitive control predicts use of model-based reinforcement learning. | Otto, A. Ross; Skatova, Anya; Madlon-Kay, Seth; Daw, Nathaniel D. |
Jun-2019 | Specialized coding of sensory, motor and cognitive variables in VTA dopamine neurons | Engelhard, Ben; Finkelstein, Joel; Cox, Julia; Fleming, Weston; Jang, Hee Jae, et al |