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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
-Sensory-driven enhancement of calcium signals in individual Purkinje cell dendrites of awake miceNajafi, Farzaneh; Giovannucci, Andrea; Wang, Samuel S-H; Medina, Javier F
17-Jul-2018Setting the barFeigin, Charles Y; Mallarino, Ricardo
Jun-2020Guidelines and definitions for research on epithelial-mesenchymal transitionYang, Jing; Antin, Parker; Berx, Geert; Blanpain, Cédric; Brabletz, Thomas, et al
14-Mar-2017Mating and male pheromone kill Caenorhabditis males through distinct mechanismsShi, Cheng; Runnels, Alexi M; Murphy, Coleen T
8-Jul-2019Insulin-like peptides and the mTOR-TFEB pathway protect Caenorhabditis elegans hermaphrodites from mating-induced deathShi, Cheng; Booth, Lauren N; Murphy, Coleen T
Jan-2015Kar5p Is Required for Multiple Functions in Both Inner and Outer Nuclear Envelope Fusion in Saccharomyces cerevisiaeRogers, Jason V; Rose, Mark D
Dec-2015Identification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genes Whose Deletion Causes Synthetic Effects in Cells with Reduced Levels of the Nuclear Pif1 DNA HelicaseStundon, Jennifer L; Zakian, Virginia A
18-May-2018Improving support for young biomedical scientistsAlberts, Bruce; Hyman, Tony; Pickett, Christopher L; Tilghman, Shirley; Varmus, Harold
9-Jul-2018Genome-wide real-time in vivo transcriptional dynamics during Plasmodium falciparum blood-stage developmentPainter, Heather J; Chung, Neo Christopher; Sebastian, Aswathy; Albert, Istvan; Storey, John D, et al
30-Jul-2020Identification of relevant genetic alterations in cancer using topological data analysisRabadán, Raúl; Mohamedi, Yamina; Rubin, Udi; Chu, Tim; Alghalith, Adam N, et al