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Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
17-Jul-2018Setting the barFeigin, Charles Y; Mallarino, Ricardo
28-Jul-2020Mitochondria and Peroxisome Remodeling across Cytomegalovirus Infection Time Viewed through the Lens of Inter-ViSTA.Federspiel, Joel D; Cook, Katelyn C; Kennedy, Michelle A; Venkatesh, Samvida S; Otter, Clayton J, et al
11-May-2021All models are wrong, but some are useful: Establishing standards for stem cell-based embryo modelsPosfai, Eszter; Lanner, Fredrik; Mulas, Carla; Leitch, Harry G
Jan-2018Regulation of reproduction and longevity by nutrient-sensing pathwaysTempleman, Nicole M; Murphy, Coleen T
7-Feb-2020RNA decay during gammaherpesvirus infection reduces RNA polymerase II occupancy of host promoters but spares viral promotersHartenian, Ella; Gilbertson, Sarah; Federspiel, Joel D; Cristea, Ileana M; Glaunsinger, Britt A
23-Jan-2014Reversible Modulation of Myofibroblast Differentiation in Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem CellsDesai, Vivek D; Hsia, Henry C; Schwarzbauer, Jean E
Oct-2018Regulatory cocktail for dopaminergic neurons in a protovertebrate identified by whole-embryo single-cell transcriptomicsHorie, Takeo; Horie, Ryoko; Chen, Kai; Cao, Chen; Nakagawa, Masashi, et al
14-Mar-2017Mating and male pheromone kill Caenorhabditis males through distinct mechanismsShi, Cheng; Runnels, Alexi M; Murphy, Coleen T
30-Jul-2020Identification of relevant genetic alterations in cancer using topological data analysisRabadán, Raúl; Mohamedi, Yamina; Rubin, Udi; Chu, Tim; Alghalith, Adam N, et al
Jul-2018Mechanism of how augmin directly targets the γ-tubulin ring complex to microtubulesSong, Jae-Geun; King, Matthew R; Zhang, Rui; Kadzik, Rachel S; Thawani, Akanksha, et al