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School of Public and International Affairs

Publication DateArticle TitleAuthor(s)
1-Apr-2012Test Scores, Class Rank and College Performance: Lessons for Broadening Access and Promoting SuccessNiu, Sunny X.; Tienda, Marta
Apr-2012Origins of the New Latino UnderclassMassey, Douglas S.; Pren, Karen A.
Apr-2012Hispanics in Higher Education and the Texas Top 10% LawHarris, Angel L.; Tienda, Marta
Apr-2012Brands as Intentional Agents Framework: How Perceived Intentions and Ability Can Map Brand PerceptionKervyn, Nicolas; Fiske, Susan T.; Malone, Chris
22-Mar-2012Empirical Macroeconomics Using Geographical Data: Guest Editors' IntroductionFoote, Christopher L; Hurst, Erik; Mian, Atif R; Wilson, Daniel J
1-Mar-2012Mothers' Repartnering after a Nonmarital BirthBzostek, Sharon H.; McLanahan, Sara; Carlson, Marcia J.
Mar-2012School Context and Educational OutcomesCasciano, Rebecca; Massey, Douglas S.
Mar-2012Pathways to El Norte: Origins, Destinations, and Characteristics of Mexican Migrants to the United StatesRiosmena, Fernando; Massey, Douglas S.
Mar-2012Neighborhood disorder and anxiety symptoms: New evidence from a quasi-experimental studyCasciano, Rebecca; Massey, Douglas S.
Mar-2012Accidental death and the rule of joint and several liabilityCarvell, Daniel; Currie, Janet M.; MacLeod, W. Bentley
Mar-2012Journey to the Edges: Social Structures and Neural Maps of Intergroup ProcessesFiske, Susan T.
Mar-2012Immigration and Status Exchange in Australia and the United StatesChoi, Kate H.; Tienda, Marta; Cobb-Clark, Deborah; Sinning, Mathias
Feb-2012Warmth and Competence: Stereotype Content Issues for Clinicians and Researchers.Fiske, Susan T.
12-Jan-2012The Liftoff of Consumer Benefits from the Broadband RevolutionDutz, Mark A; Orszag, Jonathan M; Willig, Robert D
Jan-2012High Conservation Value or high confusion value? Sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation in the tropicsEdwards, David P.; Fisher, Brendan; Wilcove, David S.
Jan-2012The Innuendo Effect: Hearing the Positive but Inferring the NegativeKervyn, Nicolas; Bergsieker, Hilary B.; Fiske, Susan T.
Jan-2012Managing ambivalent prejudices: The smart-but-cold, and the warm-butdumb sterotypesFiske, Susan T.
Jan-2012CommentRogerson, Richard
2012Task Trade Between Similar CountriesRossi-Hansberg, Esteban A.; Grossman, Gene M.
2012Revenge of the optimum currency areaKrugman, Paul R.