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Structural and dynamical features of inteins and implications on protein splicing (Journal of Biological Chemistry (2014) 289 (14506-14511))

Author(s): Eryilmaz, Ertan; Shah, Neel H.; Muir, Thomas W.; Cowburn, David C.

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Abstract: [No abstract available]
Publication Date: 11-Jul-2014
Citation: Eryilmaz, E., Shah, N.H., Muir, T.W., Cowburn, D. (2014). Structural and dynamical features of inteins and implications on protein splicing (Journal of Biological Chemistry (2014) 289 (14506-14511)). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289 (28), 19278 - ?. doi:10.1074/jbc.A113.540302
DOI: doi:10.1074/jbc.A113.540302
ISSN: 0021-9258
EISSN: 1083-351X
Pages: 19278
Type of Material: Journal Article
Journal/Proceeding Title: Journal of Biological Chemistry
Version: Final published version. This is an open access article.
Notes: Structural and dynamical features of inteins and implications on protein splicing (Journal of Biological Chemistry (2014) 289 (14506-14511)). (Erratum). Volume 289, Issue 28, 11 July 2014, Page 19278. Authors: Ertan Eryilmaz, Neel H. Shah, Muir, Thomas W. (Muir,Tom), and David Cowburn.

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